Thursday, November 20, 2008


When I get home in December there are a few things i have to do: submit my brother and Quoc, beat Brooks in a race(are you reading this Brooks?), and the v-sit/planche. So, I've been training my core to max. Anyway, I'd like to hear your core exercises or just make a list.

Core exercises:

Hanging leg raises
Exercise ball crunch
Exercise ball push-up position crunch
6 inches
Mountain Climbers
normal crunches and what not

Also, i just created an awesome exercise. Get a chair with high arm rests, sit in it and crunch your legs into your stomach, and then do dips... great for a bunch of stability muscles!


Alfonze said...

I'll show you my armrest chair workout sometime. Well when you get home. I just go back an forth between Vsit, Lsit and crouchy position which we need to make a name up for because I'm sick of describing it.

Alfonze said...

Oh and Falcon Punch! HILARIOUS!