Monday, November 10, 2008


I'll have a new post when I get home. I am currently in Philly to talk to a professor about school. My new post will detail how well Hauser and I did at the McGuire Mud Run and one of my newest exercises that I have just recently discovered. Bonus info: It works your forearms, abs, triceps and shoulders.

Look for the update on Wednesday (Thursday if you live in Japan).

PS Thanks for everyone posting it is actually motivating to have people talking about all the exercises they are doing.

PS2 Lucky for all of us Brooks now has Facebook so he can go on there as much as he does on here and MySpace. Which is never.

PS3 is apparently really cool but I doubt I will ever buy one.

1 comment:

tim said...

buy ps3... it can fill in that missing thing in your life!

yea where is brooks? His last post was 8 months ago and he was hitting tires with sledgehammers