Friday, November 21, 2008


Yeah chief I went for the squat thrusts with 35lb dumbells. After the third set on my tabata i was fucked. Had to drop em and just squat. Vicious. Then I did some abage. I stretch out and have six inches with my legs and my shoulders just off the ground. Then I crunch back in. And do this till I blow up. I also hit up the ab wheel from the knees. I also did going up the stairs upside down feet first. Its in one of the parkour videos on the right. Its good for the tris and shoulders.


tim said...

yea squat thrusts! those are impossible to do for the full tabata set... ive gotten to like where you are at, around 2 min. Then my legs stop working.
how is your grip strength?

Alfonze said...

Grip strength is .... I dunno. Haven't really been training it that well I guess.

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