Tuesday, October 30, 2007


So my motivation has been sub-par of late. Its dark out when I get home and then I'm hungry and then I eat and then I dont feel like workin out. I have however got good at inverted shrugs. And am getting better on standing on the rings and doing splits. Believe me I am not at a full split level yet but its a great groind and balance workout. I dont need to hold the ropes any more. Also balancing on the shelf on top of a pipe was getting ridiculously simple so in my infinite quest for making things dificult I was going to do inverted pushups on it. And here begins the short story.

I laid the board on the pipe. I place my right hand on the low side my left on the high. I step back in to a deep sprinters lung; preparing to kick my legs up to the wall and then balance on the board and do the pushups. Deep breath in. KICK! CRACK! My heel was a back a bit far. Far enough to be under the two inch overhang of the stairs behind my. The loud crack was my explosive heel kick in to those stairs. It hurt. Its balck and blue. I am an idiot. Maybe it was an omen saying "Look we are gonna fuck up your heel now because if you get up to the wall your gonna crack you F'ing face on the board and brack your nose. So I should be thankful. I am gonna start slacklining now though in order to get some more balancing skills.

Oh I finally installed my Chessmaster 10th edition. And I am addicted to chess. It is crazy fun. When I get some free time I really need to add some pictures to this mutha.

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