Saturday, October 6, 2007

And so it begins.

Iron Mind - I did a kakuro puzzle and messed up because I added 8+7+6+1 to be 23 and it put everything else off but I didn't notice till the end what a bitch. I also watched Being John Malkovich. Great for thinking about who you are as well as living forever. The other day I watched I heart Huckabees. A great Existential movie if you haven't seen and you like thinking, watch it. I also put this cube together last night it was pretty hard. I think I might get a rubix cube.

Iron Body - Warmed up the elbos with the grip save and then a dumbbell
(see elbow care in BWEFES)
Then I did Flies - 4x5 On the Rings (not horizontal yet, Maybe eventually)
Dips - 3x8 On the Rings
Standing Pushups - 2 x 25 ( I was beat by the time I got to these)
Kick Ups - 35 (Attempts to go into and stay in a handstand)
Pull Ups - 17 (Done throughout the day)
Longest Hold in hand stand position - 47 seconds
(Not without help but just staying up that long is hard)

1 comment:

b-$moov said...

47 seconds!?

dude, i freakin took the worst header of my entire life biked at mt gretna, which was awesome, rode about 8 miles i guess and then wanted to do a couple jumps over again before leaving.

so we head back, i hit the first fine, the second has a 3/4 way point that you usually bail at, but still get good air, of course im thinking i have to go the whole way to the top. i waas not aware however, that the top is abotu 3 feet long and has a significant protruding rock in it. so long story even longer, i do an endo, land on the back of my hed (it was and is painful) and somehow ram my knee into my handlebar down to the bone. i could literally move the cut back and forth over my patella.

i think ill be recovering for a few days. if i can still jump and climb ropes, ill try to manage that. but in case you're wondering, the act of swallowing involves many neck muscles as well.