Saturday, October 6, 2007

Catch Up

So this is what I've been doing recently.
For the Mind - Besides going to school I've been listening to The Joy of thinking which deals with understanding the world through mathematics. It is freaking super good. They are half hour lectures and Ive listened to 12 of them so far. The other seminar that I am listening to is The Origins of Individuality which deals with how the brain works and how it makes you what you are. These are 45 minute lectures and I have listened to the 1st four so far. Other things I am doing for my mind are logic puzzles on the internet and 3d mind games like wooden blocks you have to put together. I am also playing chess and Kakuro (a number crossword puzzle) that is harder and better than sudoku because it uses logic but also mathematics.

For the Body - Well my attempts to run were a bad idea because my stress fractures hurt so I am going to wait for the new year. My legs actually feel good but I dont want to rush anything like i had this summer. I now have a 1and a half inch rope to climb which I climb every other day. Alot of the work outs I am doing come from Body weight exercises for extraordinary strength. I am also doing hand balancing workouts.

I will post a legend on here incase any of the workouts are confusing (possibly with some pictures). Or if they aren't already in BWEFES (thats my new abbreviation for the Body Weight Book). Alright look for the goods starting today.

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