Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jack Bauer hinders workout

So I was getting ripped. Mostly legs since my arm had gone back a little after dips. I think It'll be another week till I use it.

Tabata: Lunge Jump Switches (best name I could come up with)
Squat Arm raises - 4 x 15
Straight leg raises - 4 x 12
Forearm Sledge workout upped the reps to 12
Okay this is where it gets fun. I helped My brother move his furniture so he could get new hardwood flooring because apparently recession, economic downturns and large loans mean nothing to this @$$clown. And since his TV etc where stored in his kitchen he came over to watch the season premier of 24. Well, I found out that he could stand on my pullup bar (detached from the wall) to help me do Hamstring explosions during commercials. But apparently me working out really hinders his ability to mentally digest the last 10 minutes of 24. So I had to switch to an exercise I saw on those You tube videos to the left. You put your shoulder blades on the ground put your heels on top of the ball and then keep your pelvis high and curl the ball in with yoru hammies. The key is really keeping your hips up. I did 3 x 15 after a commercial segment of Hamstring explosions.

Then I did the same pinch grip workout I did last time.

I also learned that while white russians are delicious, they are a horrible post-workout drink.

You are missing funny pictures. So this one is for you.

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