Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Taking Cindy to the House!

Workin on the cinder block tabata. The other day I did that and got to 3:30 before switching from Cindy to Blocky. Then I did some Towel pullups, hammer curls, open grip pull ups and then Rows.
WOOT! Today I took Cindy to the House! I completed a tabata with Cindy. I did however drop from around 13 reps to 8 by the end. But I finished. Then I did inverted pushups on a bar for sets of 5. Then some close grip neutral pushups on the bar. And some dumbell flies. Then I had to peace out to get some school work done.

I started reading "How to Grow a School" again. Its a great example of how to educate our youth. I have also been reading Playboy which manages to get short fiction from kick ass authors that has never been published as well as some cool articles on evolutionary psychology. We need to play more chess Hahn.

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