Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm an Idiot

So this past weekend, I realized that I work in a school that has a weight room that nobody uses. Why didn't I think of this 4 months ago? Anyway, today I ran on the treadmill for 12 minutes. I realize this is pathetic but I'm working my way up to 20 or 30. I did 10 yesterday, my plan is 15 tomorrow. Then I did some situp stuff and 3 sets of 15 pushups. Then came the bicep curls - 10 reps with 10 lbs in each hand, 3 reps (on of which was hammer curls) alternating with triceps - 3 sets of 10. Anyone with suggestions of what I should do for the next two weeks I have access to the weight room - let me know. Oh yeah - I officially quit my job today. Only two more weeks till freedom.

1 comment:

Alfonze said...

Laura, I have loads of suggestions.
One - You need a funnier title that ties in with a hilarious picture.
Two - Your best bet is probably alternating your muscle groups. So do hammer curls, lat pull, seated row, and maybe use the bar to curl again. Then next time do bench press, military press and dips.
Three - Squat. Its the best exercise in existence.
Four - Take it easy. Don't go balls out. You can save that for when You, Tim and I workout together.
Five - Stay hot. BING!