Tabata 1 - Burpee to pull up Tabata (as seen on videos on side panel)
Tabata 2 - Step Ups
3 x 8 Ring Dips
3 x 10 Leg Raises
3 x 10 Dumbell Military Press
So I just got totally burnt out by the time I did military press. I dunno if it was because 2 tabatas for the first time. Maybe 8 minutes of Tabata action is just too much. Or because I hadn't eaten lunch and then ate some Soba noodles right before I exercised. Or cause I am tired. Either way I petered out and didnt finish all of my exercises
A word about Burpee to pull up tabatas. My bar is reachable from the ground so I would jump and then have to step forward and grab the bar and pull up. this was maybe 3/4 of a second that felt wasted and not as physically as exhausting as it should be. So, I tried one in my attic and having to jump to the pull up is much better. So I would do a burpee and on the jump have to get high enough to grab the rafters and go right into the pull up. This felt much better. There was less wasted time and you really have to exploded to make sure you get a good grip on the rafters. I am gonna try it that way next time.
I did my step ups on "The Step" some workout product my mom owned. Its just like a 6 inch step.