Sunday, February 10, 2008

workout schedule

This workout goes out to everyone who reads this blog (mark and brooks).

Well, sad as it is, work dictates when and what i can workout (because i have to go to a different city for 2 days) but here goes:

Monday - gym - a day of the gym usually consists of free weights, rotating between legs, arms, back and chest. I usually do chest and back together. This workout consists of benching 3x10, pull-ups 3x10, behind the neck military press, one arm rows, and some other minor exercises that make me tired. Legs are usually squats (which i am really getting into), the thing where you hang your upperbody over and then lift it up. It hits your glutes, hammies, and lower back. please tell me this exercise name so i wont have to write a long description. I also do shoulders on this day. Those are the major things i do.

Tues-run/body weight exercises (the gym is also closed this day)
Wed & Thurs. - I am in a different city so i am stuck to body weight workouts... i am think of adding a jumping/plyo day here.
Fri- gym
Sat- gym
Sun- rest

Since being in Japan, i dont have a workout partner so i dont usually go to complete failure. I am actually liking this more and more. I am seeing results and i dont have to be as sore on the off days. Also, there is a hot girl that just joined the gym so it has inspired me to work out harder.

Anyway, i want your input on working out until failure. I read this one report that said going to failure is good but you should only do it every once and a while.

Also, i have been doing a set amount of certain workouts everyday. Say, try and get 100 push-ups a day, 30 pull-ups, abs, or some other bodyweight exercise. I have been thinking that maybe your body will get used to this and it will be cake after a few weeks. Good or bad?


Heinsy said...

Hey, I read this blog too!!

Murder said...

I am reading this now that I made a post on my blog making fun of you, Hahn.

Alfonze said...

I will try to be as helpful as the previous comments. I agree that you don't have to go to failure all the time. I am currently working to a different kind of failure. Much like your set number of exercise a day. I am trying to volumize by doing a poop load of one exercise a day but never a bunch at once. Like do 10 pull ups everytime I go by the bar. That way I may do like 250 pull ups in a day and build my muscles ina whole new way. Much like we learn how to walk.

Heinsy said...

Since this blog concerns hand balancing, i thought i'd share this.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.