Monday, February 4, 2008

back in

after not posting for a while, i'm 2 weeks deep into a solid workout change. i'll detail each day as i go through it. planned on doing 20 minutes of hand balancing this morning, but my friend wade came over for his first workout, so i was busy explaining things to him.

warmed up with about 150 rope touches, then did one 20 minute all-out circuit. consisted of:
100 rope touches (sprints/double unders)
20 sledge hammer tire hits
10 burpees
about a minute of ground n' pound on the heavy bag on its side
repeat as many times as possible. i got through just over 4, which means my aerobic system needs some work.

i've been learning a lot about cheese chemistry in preparation for the pasa conference this weekend. all day thursday i learn about cheese and the creamery business, then friday and saturday i'll mostly be focusing on soil health, pasture and forest management, and livestock genetics. i've got a lot of questions. lately i've come to the conclusion that farmers who can successfully farm through rapid climate change will be superior geneticists, both plant and animal. i think goats and chickens will be the two most important livestock (which they already are in the rest of the world).

1 comment:

Alfonze said...

Whats Ground N' Pound?