Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Is it just me or do all the girls in these photos have insane quads. I am cutting back my workouts. I think I might be over training. I was hanging out on Dragondoor.com and was reading about not going to failure almost ever and resting your muscles enough. I just feel like I am not trying hard enough when I don't go to failure. But I also plateau and burn out or injure myself so maybe its about time I slow it down. I'm really just talking to myself on this thing now. I mean Hahn's hoppin around in a different hemisphere doin crap and Mil-mil is more worried about Kenjiro than this sweet ass blog. Oh I started doing this exercise. It works wonders.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Hey has anyone exercised with kettlebells? I think I might get some. I was looking at workouts with them though and loads of them look like people are swinging them around and crap. It just seems like your arent getting a good workout if your swinging them all over the place. Like they are using a shitload of momentum.

On a similar note I was doing curls with an adjustable dumbell and putting all the weight on one end and holding the empty end. Like a hammer. Killer for the forearms. Without forearms you can't even do half of these great bodyweight exercises.

Slip out with your bip out.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Shattered Shins = Ripped Everything Else

So I was on a 10k training program. About a month into it my perma-destroyed tibia said I don't think so. So I stopped running for a week. Now I am gonna cut back my running severely and do more biking and body weight exercises. My idea is to mix up the workouts as much as possible. It seems to be working. It is less mentally exhausting and possibly better for my muscles in joints. I also just started Tabatas. I know am way behind on jumpin on the Tabata workouts. Anyhow I F'ing love em. They totally obliterate you in just 4 easy minutes. I made Greg do them yesterday. he started doing squats and then couldn't so did burpees for the last half. By his tast set he was pretty much just laying on the ground rolling around. It was hilarious.

Hopefully this motivates you punks.