Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A workout

I finally stopped being a piece of shit last night! With the farm stuff going crazy, fixing my Veggie car and having an 8 month old, I haven't been finding time to workout (and i'm learning to play the mandolin). But last night i decided to do at least 3 a week and told anna to call me a pussy if i don't do them.

So yesterday i did scriptless tabatas. That means i picked a few exercises and anna called them out to me for every interval. I did 3 five minute sessions, to be increased next time, of the following exercises (and more), in no particular order:

Ground n pound heavy bag
Lateral Bag hops
med ball throws
med ball pushups
med ball rotators

it was tough as hell, as usual, but i feel better now. i need to condition badly, so im aiming for 3 days of conditioning with an emphasis on strength stuff.

playing the mando has been a big plus, too for my mental workouts.


Alfonze said...

So your doing 20 seconds of each of those exercises and 10 seconds off?

Alfonze said...

Oh and what is Ground N Pound?
I'm trying to get ripped here so I might post some more on this thing.

Gar said...

Tabatas kicked my ass . . .